
Welcome to YHealth4Growth

Promoting the role of health in driving economic and inclusive growth in the Yorkshire and Humber region

Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber, NHS Confederation and Yorkshire Universities have formed a partnership to tackle the increasing socio-economic inequalities and boost health outcomes in Yorkshire and the Humber by encouraging and supporting more cross-sector working.

Latest publication

Our new YHealth for Growth white paper sets out updated recommendations to address widening health and economic inequalities in Yorkshire and the Humber.

It responds to the urgent need for action in the context of mounting pressure on the health service and wider public sector, an uncertain outlook for the UK economy, and the ongoing impact of the pandemic.

The paper is written in the context of mounting pressure on the health service and wider public sector, an uncertain outlook for the UK economy, and the ongoing impact of the pandemic and puts forward 10 recommendations for national and regional leaders and for business, which build on those set out in our initial 2020 YHealth for Growth report.


YHealth4Growth is a campaign that promotes the role of health in driving economic and inclusive growth in the Yorkshire and Humber region.

The partner organisations behind the YHealth4Growth campaign all recognise the intrinsic and unbreakable link between health and economic prosperity.

Nearly four years on from our first report, the same health and economic inequalities we highlighted in that paper persist and the pandemic has exacerbated them, widening the healthy life expectancy and prosperity gap between Yorkshire and more affluent regions.

We believe that health should be a key factor in all policy and economic investment and decision making at both a local and national level. Taking collaborative action to improve health, inclusive growth and wellbeing in our region is in the best interests of all regional and national stakeholders, businesses and communities and should be a shared priority.

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