
Health and Work

Economic inactivity is a growing challenge for society, impacting both life outcomes of the population and having significant impact upon the wider economy. Data shows increasing levels of economic inactivity following the pandemic, and whilst some recent progress has been made against this trend, it remains a key societal challenge.

Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber is committed to highlighting and building upon existing regional initiatives to help people stay healthy and remain in employment. Our YHealth4Growth work clearly demonstrates that work and health are inextricably linked.  We know that being in work raises living standards and pulls people out of poverty, and a prolonged absence from work can lead to a deterioration in health and wellbeing, both due to financial strains and the absence of positive psychological and social support. It goes beyond the individual as well; good work is an important driver of health and wealth for families and communities, benefitting wider society through increased productivity, and laying the groundwork for levelling up local communities.

Our white paper shows the nationally observed trend of economic inactivity is apparent across the North of England as a whole, and is particularly true in Yorkshire and the Humber. This demonstrates a real productivity gap between our region and the South.

  • The North has a higher level of economic inactivity than the South and a high incidence of health inequalities resulting in high numbers of individuals economically inactive due to long-term ill health.
  • The North of England loses £13.2bn of productivity a year for UK plc as a results of health inequalities.
  • During the pandemic, the North had a 19% higher unemployment than the national average.
  • Yorkshire and the Humber has the third lowest percentage of people in employment in England.

Organisations across the region have already recognised the scale of this challenge and the role they can play in addressing economic inactivity through tackling work-health challenges. This is evident through the creation of a range of initiatives which have already been or are in the process of being established, supporting those with ill-health to get back into employment where appropriate, and supporting those currently in work to stay healthy and remain in employment.